21 Apr 2022

Investing in our schools
The NSW Government is investing $7.9 billion over the next four years, continuing its program to deliver 215 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW. This is the largest investment in public education infrastructure in the history of NSW. The NSW Department of Education is committed to delivering new and upgraded school infrastructure for communities across NSW. The delivery of these important projects is essential to the future learning needs of our students as well as to support local economic growth.
Progress update
We are pleased to share that the project to build two new schools at the new Meadowbank Education and Employment Precinct has been completed with final preparations underway to relocate Marsden High School and Meadowbank Public School to their new facilities.
Staff, students and parents have had the opportunity to visit the new buildings over recent weeks and we look forward to welcoming students for the start of Term 2 at their new schools. To help students familiarise themselves with their new surroundings, a virtual tour has been prepared that can be accessed over the coming holiday period by visiting this link: https://tour.lumination.com.au/meadowbank-education-precinct/
Update on Public Domain Works including Hermitage Road
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has finalised its determination following the Department of Education’s proposed modification of the consent conditions, and subsequent Response to Submissions Report, which included a proposal to deliver a footpath on the western side of Hermitage Road.
We can confirm that a footpath will be constructed along the western side of Hermitage Road between the Sydney Water entrance and Rhodes Street. Work on the final design is continuing and School Infrastructure NSW is working with City of Ryde Council and other authorities to plan the works.
We anticipate work will start in the coming weeks with onsite investigation to validate the location of existing inground services. The work is complex working around multiple live services however the impacts of the construction will be mitigated to ensure minimum disruption to school operations, including drop off and pick up times and to local businesses. We will continue to keep the schools, local residents and businesses, and other stakeholder updated throughout. A Pedestrian Safety Management Strategy is also underway to ensure the safe passage of students to school can be maintained prior to the completion of the Hermitage Road footpath.
Safe travel and access for our school community
Students and families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Travel Access Guides available on each school’s website (below), and to follow appropriate routes to and from school.
For travel between the new school and Meadowbank train station, students are encouraged to use the pedestrian footpath along See Street. There is no access for students through the TAFE site.
Wayfinding signage will be in place ahead of the start of school to help students safely get to and from school each day. Traffic and pedestrian control is also being arranged to help ensure students are using approved routes and to ensure the efficient flow of traffic around the school.
As part of the Public Domain Improvements, bus zones have been installed to increase the connectivity to the schools. These will be operational from 26 April. Please refer to the Travel Access Guide for more details.
Changes to See Street
As part of the Public Domain Works, the Meadowbank TAFE project is upgrading part of the pedestrian footpath on See Street. This work was due to be completed by the end of April, however due to the extreme wet weather experienced in NSW over recent months, this work is may continue into Term 2.
Should this work not be finished by the start of Term 2, students walking along See Street will have safe access via a temporary walkway with safety measures in place.
Travel Access Guide
Thank you
We thank the school community and local residents and businesses for their patience and understanding while we delivered this important school infrastructure and look forward to sharing this new era in education.
For more information contact:
School Infrastructure NSW
Email: schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au
Phone: 1300 482 651